Get to know the “MENINOS DA VILA” amazing story.
Demanding fans love and hate you at the same time...

Santos fans say that since “Dorval” no other winger is like Nilton Batata, who takes defenders on, play wide open, dribbles well and has good shooting accuracy.

Nilton Batata, consciously or unconsciously emulating “Garrincha”?

Nilton Batata played around 240 games for Santos and the most important ones against Corinthians of Socrates.
Santos 1978
Left to right
Top row:
- Neto, Joaozinho, Victor (Gk), Fernando, Clodoaldo, Nelsinho
Bottom row:
- Nilton Batata, Ailton Lira, Juari, Pita and Joao Paulo.

Under the Microscope of the Press
Coping with pressure of performing every time…

The "Meninos da vila" or the village kids as head coach Chico Formiga used to address his very young team got to be a very likable group because of the irreverent and attacking style which is till today Santos trademark. The first generation of "MENINOS DA VILA" started with the 1978 championship and was followed by second generation led by Robinho and a third generation led by Neymar. Fans loved the fast pace and aggressive attacking way their team face any opponent, rushing every play and looking forward to score. Fans chant "vai pra cima deles" or roll over them Santos.
“Meninos da Vila” is a trademark of Santos attacking style of putting tremendous pressure and playing in a fast pace described as discotheque rhythm, mirrored on the young John Travolta’s generation popular movies .
Goals with Santos
Nilton Batata scored around 40 goals when playing with Santos. Here are some of them.