same game - different dynamics
Press conference

John Buss and Head Coach Peter Wall introduce Nilton Batata to the press. Lazers franchise was part of Lakers and Kings organization better know as “The Forum”.

Los Angeles
Major Indoor Soccer Leaue

Adapting to the new “hockey” soccer ways wasn’t easy but the ball was round like any other ball I played before so why not?

Making the transition from the big field of soccer to the hockey arena size wasn’t so easy and unlike hockey the indoor soccer was less physical than outdoor which caused me to be in trouble with referees and 2 minutes penalties.
Never forget
Friends are forever

You can’t choose your brother but you can choose your friends. Beto and I were like brothers from different moms and one thing we had in common was the pleasure of playing with each other.

Never boring team pictures
The Most Diverse Team in the League

Americans, English, Brazilians, Argentine, Colombian, Greeks, Mexicans, Aussies, Canadians and Asian. Did I forget anyone? Amazing blend of soccer styles.

Indoor Challenges

Land of celebrities
If you are in Los Angeles you are close to Hollywood and if you are lucky enough to have a celebrity friendly game, you may bump on someone you have seen on the movies or on stage, among them Rod Stewart, Rock Star and a decent player as well.

Most valuable player
Most valuable player and All-Star every year played in the MISL, always voted by the players.
latino connection

Fast pace game
You have to use one versus one skills anytime you have the ball because defenders are always close by and time on the field is prime. If you tired, get out and let fresh legs take over your shift. Do not rest in the field but on the bench otherwise you may hurt your team’s defense.